Technologies, LLC
ToughAir® & CapCell® By Miracon®
Air or CO2 Entrainer
Miracon’s ToughAir® as well as CapCell® product lines are quite compatible with the full line of admixtures such as: HRWR’s, ASR additives, SRA’s, accelerators, retarders, VMA's/ suspension agents/ rheology modifiers etc. So, it is easy to design, or to modify an end-product design. And, of course, it is compatible with SCM’s such as fly ash or slag.
State-of-the-art devices for lab and field are utilized to develop as well as confirm final product performance – not just in general terms, but in specific, qualitative performance terms.
One of the pillar features of our technology is that our entrainment in any composite material (such as concrete, gypsum, clay, etc.) is designed to be not only stable regardless of season/climate conditions, but it is routine for it to have the best specific properties as relates to cell size and spacing – which leads to best final products at least cost.
Under The Hood
Product Description
Sold as a liquid, next generation air-entraining admixture that provides freeze-thaw resistance by creating air cells that are designed to be very stable, small and closely spaced.
Recommended for all concrete exposed to freeze-thaw cycles.
All ready-mix, precast products where an air content is specified.
All ready-mix and precast products-for use as a cost effective and enhanced performance component of lightweight structural or non-structural composites-such as concrete, gypsum, and many others.
Air stability is greatly enhanced, especially if longer transit times are needed.
Designed to perform uniformly, independent of total cementitious content of the mix.
Rheological properties help to minimize water of convenience needed at the batch plant or if/when re-tempering on the job to meet slump/spread specifications.
Significantly enhances cohesiveness of any mix, optimizing aggregate matrix in low or high slump concrete.
Helps to reduce bleeding and consequently mitigate plastic shrinkage or cracking.
Performs uniformly across a wide range of concrete as well as other materials and admixtures.
Economical and reliable in many compositions which are typically difficult to entrain.
Improved work-ability
Optimized air-void structure
Increased resistance to scaling from deicing salts
Reduced Permeability Reduced Bleeding
Improved ability to entrain air in concrete with high-carbon content in the fly ash
Temperature independent- does not require adjustment from colder to warmer seasonal conditions.
Improved stability over extended mixing time, even with low slump concrete.
Guidelines For Use
There is no standard dosage for ToughAir® admixture. Variations in concrete, such as gradations of sand and rock, can have some influence on dosage. Also, the entrapped air generation characteristics of some other chemical admixtures can affect the total air content for a particular mix design.
Compatibility With Other Admixtures & Batch Sequencing
ToughAir® is compatible with most admixtures available in the marketplace as long as they are added separately. There is no single preferred sequence for adding ToughAir®. If ToughAir® is added during the dry batching process, typically it is added on top of the sand as it is going into the truck or batch. If ToughAir® is added in a wet batch process, typically it is added at the final stage of the premix process. Different sequencing methods may be used based upon local testing, illustrating best method and performance. Please consult your Miracon® representative for guidance, if needed.
Packaging, Storage & Shelf Life
ToughAir® is available in 270 gallon (1021 L) totes or 55 gallon (208 L) drums. ToughAir® should be protected from temperatures below 34°F (1°C). Although freezing does not harm this product, precautions to protect from freezing should be taken.

what not to do...
what you can do...

Machine System
While Miracon's® product is designed to help optimize overall product manufacturing, delivery placement, and performance... The difference starts here. You cannot depend on variables, such as how the air is made; and at the same time have routine variations at a concrete plant such as operator differences, mixing speed changes, shear changes which result from differences in the mixing mechanics of the materials (sand and rock) and volume changes…. Making a 3 cubic yard batch in a 10 yard mixer vs. making a 9 or 10 cubic yard batch in a 10 yard mixer. So the Miracon® machine system provides the first level of control; how the entrained air is made and is the same ( quality and yield basis) from one batch to another – and size of batch does not have a direct effect on the yield of the entrained air. So once the Miracon® entrained air is made and dispensed into the batch, the entrained air cannot continue to develop.
Note : For additional details re: our machine system – see Miracon's® Operating System
ALL other air entrainers must have an ion charge in order to attach to the cement particle in order to stabilize, at least to the extent that they do stabilize. And because with ALL other air entrainers the agitation method for making foam/air entraining is dependent on the mixing action (in situ) of the materials and the concrete mixer type, size, etc. the air and/or foaming agent in these other air entrainers must be a low molecular weight surfactant that easily generates air…. . With Miracon’s® system, however, the air is generated (ex-situ) by the exact same mechanical/shearing method every time with controlled/high shear action to develop the air cells. The engineering of the chemistry is less developed around the initial / easy to foam properties, but is more designed around the durability factors which make the air entrained (Miracon®) end product with smaller, more stable, bubbles/cells. So, Miracon’s® product does not have an (ion) charge which attaches to the cement and then causes reduced flow plus makes the concrete sticky to finish. And, Miracon’s® product does not depend on the variable concrete mixing action to stabilize. Alternatively, Miracon’s® product has (significantly) higher molecular weight, no charge to any solid material, high wetting properties, and, with the lowest surface tension of any air entrainer chemistry, providing best stability for any binder system.

how all other air entrainers react to cement particles.
how miracon® air entrainers react to cement particles.

Besides having best properties for yield/volume predictability as well as stability, it is functionally superior. The mechanical and chemical aspects that influence the making of the bubble/cell also directly influence the size and distribution of the bubble/cell. Since Miracon’s® system does not have the air entrainer-cement attachment/drag property (due to the ion chemistry) common to ALL other air entrainers, significant improvement in flow is routine when Miracon’s® air entrainer is part of the mix design. Drag/flow properties of a mix also play a very large role with placement of any mix, and this issue has the most influence on final aesthetic as well as performance properties of any exposed surface. Drag can also have a significant effect on consolidation. And certainly the drag property of ALL other air entrainers routinely presents challenges with surface finishing -which are not always successfully overcome. Miracon’s® chemistry allows for a very different functional performance. With ToughAir®or CapCell® or ThixoPro® flow properties of the concrete are enhanced so that flow is optimized when there is energy trying to move the concrete – such as a pump or even with the energy produced as it comes down the chute of a truck, etc. . But this is a controlled flow, since when the energy stops, it (ToughAir®/CapCell®) now helps to reduce the movement of the concrete. The science description of this is shear-thinning or Non-Newtonian. So placement is easier, compaction is better, and with its (non-sticky and) high wetting properties, it finishes easily and well – regardless of the entrained air volume. All of this explains, in basic straightforward language, why Miracon’s® ToughAir®, CapCell® or ThixoPro® help to create significantly better matrix properties for the concrete (or other) composite as it also creates better looking and stronger/more durable surface properties.
For The ToughAir® SDS Click The Link To The Right
For The ToughAir® Product Bulletin Click The Link To The Right
For The CapCell® Intro Product Bulletin Click The Link
Key Contacts

Chris Blair
Technical questions and support re: Miracon's® Machine Systems as well as instrument device testing.

Charlie welker
Technical questions and support re: Material compositions which use ToughAir®, CapCell® or ThixoPro®